Friday, November 7, 2008


It was bound to happen and frankly, I'm surprised it took until my oldest was in third grade before it did. I was emptying his backpack on Wednesday and there was a note from the school nurse explaining that someone in his class has HEAD LICE!!! Gross. I know it has nothing to do with cleanliness or hygiene blah, blah, blah. It's still so gross. My head immediately started to itch. I looked both kids over thoroughly (trust me!!). Nothing, thank goodness! I explained (again) the importance of NEVER putting anything on or near your head that does not belong to you. Don't share brushes, scarves, hats, pillows... put your sweatshirt in your backpack - don't hang it on the hook next to everyone else's jackets that are teaming with lice. You get the picture. Mom's a little OCD about some things. This is definitely one of them!

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