Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Gee, thanks for your help.

So. Can I remind you that I had a hysterectomy FIVE days ago? Granted, it was laparoscopic, but still - an organ was removed. That being said, I drove for the first time yesterday - my 8 year old & I hopped into the mini-van for a quick Target run. He was with to "help" me. I asked him to grab a 12 pack of diet coke and put it in the cart. "No problem, mom." I asked him to grab 2 boxes of juice boxes for the class Halloween party. I was expecting "no problem, mom." What I got was "Let me get this right. You brought me with to be your slave? How much more of this am I going to have to do?" Are you kidding me? if I remember correctly, I asked him to put TWO things in the cart - and it's not exactly like they were large or incredibly heavy items either. I tried not to laugh (or scream!) and calmly reminded him that I had had surgery just a few days before and that it was still a little difficult to bend and that I was not supposed to lift anything. He looked at me like I had 3 heads and said, "Oh yeah. I forgot about that." Gee. Thanks for your help. I have to sign off now to do the dishes, some laundry, and get dinner in the crockpot. So much for my "rest."

Monday, October 27, 2008

1st Post! - Yippeee!

SO - my first post. I hope it's good for you.
Today is Monday. I had a hysterectomy last Thursday and am supposed to be "resting." Apparently resting in this house means one kid home with strep, one kid home with "sympathy" strep (she didn't want to miss out on anything!), and non-stop chatter. I'm laying here trying to tune out the Avatar cartoons on tv and I'm getting a continuous monologue from both kids. Aaaahh ... it's so peaceful here - pass the percocet.