Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My Worst Nightmare

Ever wonder what would flash through your mind if one of your kids went missing? How 'bout if they BOTH went missing? How 'bout if they BOTH went missing AND took your friend's son along for the adventure? What if you were at the mall when it happened? Well, let me tell you from experience, every episode of America's Most Wanted (also known as "turn in your neighbor"), Dateline, local news reports, everything you've ever heard about Jacob Wetterling and any other missing child swirls around your brain at lightning speed while you try to remain calm while describing what they were wearing, where you last saw them, where they might go - all while trying not to throw up. It's terrifying and awful and when you find your kids, you're not sure if you should hug them and never let go, or yell at them. SO you do both, at the same time. And you THANK GOD they are safe and no weirdo tried to do anything disgusting to them.
So now that you know my kids are okay, I'll give you all the gory details. Friday afternoon we headed over to Ridgedale to see Santa. We met up with my friend and her son who is Annie's age. There was a 1.5 hour wait to see him! We all settled in with snacks to pass the time, but the kids got squirrely, like they tend to do. My husband jokingly told the kids to go for a walk. They all held hands and walked around the Santa house - all within our sight. When they looked like they were going to keep going, he got up to follow behind them. The problem is, he went one direction - they went the other. My friend & I had no idea anything was amiss until he returned WITHOUT the kids. My heart stopped beating - I'm sure of it. I ran off in one direction, hubby in another and left friend waiting to see if the kids found their way back. I made a few quick passes - saw nothing but utter panic and tears in her eyes and I grabbed the 1st security guard I could find. He broadcast their description to the other guards and it became official. They were missing.
5 mall security guards were looking everywhere inside, while the Mtka police manned to exits and parking lot. I lost it when I heard that. Somehow, having the police involved makes it even scarier. It seemed like an eternity before Ted located them looking at the toys in Sears without a care in the world. Seems our 8 year old was testing his independence a bit - leading everyone off into toyland. He still won't admit to doing anything wrong, but he's incredibly embarrassed by the whole thing. My friend's son knew he shouldn't go so far from mom, but also knew he shouldn't leave the group (thank goodness!). My daughter thought she was fine because she was with big brother - yikes! Let's just say we've had some very lengthy discussions about safety again.


Disgruntled Princess said...

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Is it OK to laugh (now that it's over) a nervous laugh in the midst of trying not to throw up cuz as a mom I know exactly how you felt? One of the Wild One's was lost this summer-police looking etc...Thank God I was drinking at Redstone with girlfriends and knew nothing of it (until later in the week at soccer when a friend "mentioned" it to me)!

Brooke a.k.a. 34B cup said...

Holy canoli Mama Bear! Scary stuff!!!