Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Little Wine - ing

Okay. So let me just say that I am NOT a wine drinker. Everyone who knows me, is clear about the fact that I am a hard-liquor gal. Liquor is quicker. But my better half (who is reading over my shoulder right now and wondering what the H I'm doing) and I were at MGM today and as I cut through the wine aisle on the way to the checkout, a few of the labels stopped me in my tracks. They are too funny and clever! So, while I have no idea if they are any good, these wines get an A+ for creative names. Disclaimer: I am in no way, shape or form suggesting you run out and buy these wines. I don't know ANYTHING about them other than the fact that they have awesome names. Also - don't try to convert me to wine. Ain't gonna happen. Don't send me comments full of outrage that I don't like wine. Don't care. So. That being said, onto the great names I saw: First off, by now I'm sure everyone has heard of Bitch wine. Now I see we've added to that category with Royal Bitch and Bitch & Wine, and Bitter Bitch. Funny. Another clever name is the generic, plain white label with "Good Pinot Grigio" or "Good Merlot" written in black on it. I think though, my favorite would have to be Mommy's Time Out. I told hubby that our dentist (Dr. Fenske - she's awesome!) should copyright her term for wine - 'coping elixir'. That's awesome!

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