Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Turkey Day (or what the hell is wrong with me??)

Okay. I am supposed to be to mom & dad's in 45 minutes with mashed potatoes, buns, and pumpkin pie. The potatoes are boiling, the pie is made (whew), and the buns are baking. I haven't showered, don't know what I'm going to wear (does anyone really care though?), and now my mom will know the real reason why I was late - oops! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I am so thankful for family, friends, and everyone's good health. Gotta run - the buns are burning....

1 comment:

Disgruntled Princess said...

My buns didn't burn, but I found an extra pan still in the oven last night (5 days later) when I went to put the pizza in!